Barker's Professional

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Turkish Delight Rocky Road 

Makes: 2 logs (approximately 900g each log)


•  40g desiccated coconut

•  110g macadamia nuts (halved)

•   55g almonds (halved)

•   60g pistachios (roughly chopped)

•    250g pink and white marshmallows (halved)

•    190g Turkish Delight pieces

•    450g milk chocolate

•   450g dark chocolate

•    75g coconut oil

•   120g Barker’s Professional Turkish Delight Specialty Filling

•   320ml warm water


  1. Pre-weigh and prepare the coconut, nuts, marshmallows and Turkish Delight pieces. In a bain-marie, melt both chocolates and the coconut oil.

  2. Mix 120 grams of the melted chocolate with the Barker’s Professional Turkish Delight Specialty Filling. The mixture will tighten up, but shouldn’t split.

  3. Add all the ingredients together and mix thoroughly. Deposit into two loaf-shaped trays to form logs (or onto a flat tray lined with greaseproof/silicon paper) and leave to set.

  4. We have decorated the logs with 30 grams of soft pink icing, shards of chocolate, pistachio nuts, Barker’s Professional Turkish Delight Specialty Filling and small chocolate balls.

  5. Cut into desired shapes.

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